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Assignment 1
Movie Poster

"4 Prompts chosen. 1 Artwork produced.

2 Draft Stages to go through."



Sketch TWO (2) initial ideas and compositions of the movie poster on an A4 drawing paper (A5-size each). The movie poster should consist of the following elements:

  • Figure drawing(s) such as portrait, full-body drawing, body part(s), etc.

  • Natural element(s) such as trees, animals, water, etc.

  • Man-made object(s) such as a house, building parts, etc.

  • Lettering in various sizes to follow the typical format of a movie poster (including the movie title, the names of the director, actors, producer, etc.)


Draft Idea 1

My first Ideation of what I pictured the layout of my poster would be like. Originally the Idea had very classical origins with movie posters like 'Indiana Jones' and 'Predator,' strong motifs are present throughout.

Draft Idea 2

The second Idea was a variation from the first just to test the composition and if it could be improved upon. The biggest takeaway was the magnification of the structural element in the background. 

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Final A3 Poster Design

The final design mainly followed after the first one, largely influenced by the hand-drawn Indiana Jones movie posters, hence the name. 

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